About Us

Founded in 1968, Rye Driftwood Garden Club’s mission is simple: We want to encourage interest in all phases of flower arranging, home gardening and better horticultural practices. We strive to promote civic beautification and the conservation of natural resources.
We welcome everyone to our meetings and events.
Click here to find out more about the Rye Driftwood Garden Club and how you can join the fun.
And we have lots of fun doing this!.
From September through May, we are an active club with:
Monthly presentations by professionals engaged in the horticultural industry
Once a year Spring Plant Sale
Members’ spring and holiday luncheons
Scholarships and landscaping grants that encourage respect for the environment
Community gardens that increase the beauty of our area by maintaining multiple public garden spots
We welcome everyone to our meetings and events. Click here to find out more about the Rye Driftwood Garden Club and how you can join the fun.
Our Sponsors
Many local businesses provide support to the Rye Driftwood Garden Club. We thank all of them for their generous donations.